We currently sit in a unique moment in time where groundbreaking advancements in fusion science and technology are catching the attention of public and private stakeholders across the globe. The realization of fusion energy, which has the potential to completely transform the global energy market, has never been closer. But if we are to succeed in this grand challenge, fusion energy must be accepted and supported by the communities that make us who we are.

To help and meet this need, the U.S. Fusion Outreach Team, a grassroots organization in the fusion community focused on reducing barriers to outreach efforts, has launched a new centralized website (usfusionenergy.org) to engage the expanding workforce, the general public, media, educators, and more as we move together towards a world powered by fusion energy. Through this site, we communicate opportunities to engage with fusion energy science, host a growing database of information material targeted at the general public, and respond to questions regarding fusion energy science and engineering.

More recently, we are working on developing the first ever Fusion Energy Week, coming in May 2024. The mission of Fusion Energy week is to communicate the accelerating development of fusion energy to members of the public at every level and to involve those same individuals in the continued pursuit of a clean, safe and robust energy alternative. Fusion Energy Week brings the science and technology that push fusion forward back into the public sphere so that trust, collaboration and clarity can be established early and often, supporting the energy solutions of tomorrow.

For more information, please visit our website at usfusionenergy.org or join the U.S. Fusion Outreach Team Google Group.