Invited Talks

(Slides available upon reasonable request)

  • Nelson, A. O. The Negative Triangularity Tokmak: Ensuring Robust Access to a High-Performance, ELM-Free Fusion Power Plant in Symposium on Plasma And Nuclear Systems (SPANS-2024) (Ontario, Canada, 2024).
  • Nelson, A. O. Robust avoidance of edge localized modes alongside pedestal formation in negative triangularity plasmas in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Nelson, A. O., Austin, M. E., Boyes, W., Casali, L., Chrystal, C., Cote, T., Du, X., Eldon, D., Ernst, D., Khabanov, F. O., Kramer, G., Lunia, P., Marinoni, A., Mattes, R., McKee, G., Mordijck, S., Paz-Soldan, C., Schmitz, L., Scott, S., Stewart, S., Thome, K. E., Welsh, A., Wilson, H. S. & Zhao, M. Initial Experimental Results from the DIII-D Negative Triangularity Campaign in 2nd International Fusion and Plasma Conference (Busan, Korea, 2023).
  • Nelson, A. O., Schmitz, L., Cote, T., Paz-Soldan, C., Leuthold, N., Thome, K. E., Austin, M. E., Yu, G., Kramer, G. & Stewart, S. Robust avoidance of peeling-ballooning instabilities through gradient reduction in the negative triangularity edge in 2023 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2023).
  • Nelson, A. O. H-mode Inhibition in Negative Triangularity Tokamak Reactors (Topical Plenary) in 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Nelson, A. O. Experimental identification of inter-ELM pedestal MTMs through edge current perturbations in 2021 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2021).
  • Nelson, A. O., Haye, R. J. L., Austin, M. E., Welander, A. S. & Kolemen, E. ECE-based Tearing Mode Suppression and Equilibrium Reconstruction in 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control (2019).

Invited Lectures and Seminars

(Slides available upon reasonable request)

  • Nelson, A. O. The Negative Triangularity Tokmak: Ensuring Robust Access to a High-Performance, ELM-Free Fusion Power Plant in UCI Physics Seminar Series (2024).
  • Nelson, A. O. Plasma Waves in Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Introduction to Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics Course (2023).
  • Nelson, A. O. Negative Triangularity: The Holy Grail for Tokamak Core-Edge Integration? in UCLA Plasma Science and Technology Institute Seminar Series (2023).
  • Nelson, A. O. A practical introduction to the H-mode pedestal: ELMs and ELM-free regimes in Fusion-EP Seminar Series (2020).
  • Nelson, A. O. Introduction to Outstanding Problems in Magnetic Confinement Fusion in APS-DPP Student Day (2020).

Conference Contributions


  • Austin, M. E., Casali, L., Chrystal, C., Cote, T., Du, X. D., Eldon, D., Ernst, D. R., Khabanov, F. O., Lunia, P., Marinoni, A., Mattes, R., McKee, G. R., Mordijck, S., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Schmitz, L., Scotti, F., Stewart, S., Thome, K. E. & Welsh, A. Initial Transport Results of the DIII-D Negative Triangularity Campaign in 27th oint EU-US Transport Task Force (2023).
  • Austin, M. E., Marinoni, A., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Sauter, O. & Thome, K. E. Features of negative triangularity profiles in DIII-D and their implications for transport in 2023 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2023).
  • Battaglia, D. J., Body, T., Brookman, M., Burgess, D., Creely, A., Eich, T., Hasse, C., Howard, N., Hubbard, A. E., Hughes, J., Logan, N., Myers, C., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Perks, C. J., Rea, C., Reinke, M., Rodriguez Fernandez, P., Rice, J., Saltzman, A., Scott, A., Sweeney, R., Tinguely, R. A., Wilks, T. & Wigram, M. Q Q > 1 Operation Space in the First SPARC Campaign in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Body, T., Kuang, A. Q., Reinke, M., Battaglia, D. J., Hasse, C., Eich, T., Looby, T., Brookman, M., Rodriguez Fernandez, P., Howard, N., Wigram, M., Ballinger, S., Corsaro, L. & Nelson, A. O. Integrating edge exhaust in SPARC L-mode scenario development in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Casali, L., Eldon, D., Odstrcil, T., Welsh, A., Lee, K., Mattes, R., Nelson, A. O., Paz, C., Burke, M. G., Cote, T., Khabanov, F., Lasnier, C., McLean, A., Scotti, F., Thome, K. & Truong, D. First Integration of negative triangularity plasmas with high core radiation fraction in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Casali, L., Eldon, D., Welsh, A., Odstricil, T., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Burke, G., Cote, T., Khabanov, F., Lasnier, C., Mattes, R., McLean, A., Rhodes, T., Scotti, F., Thome, K. E. & Truong, D. First Integration of negative triangularity plasmas with high radiation fraction in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Cavallaro, A., Wilks, T. M., Hubbard, A. E., Ernst, D., Shoji, L., Nelson, A. O., Leuthold, N., Happel, T. & Herschel, M. Multimachine Database Study of I-Mode Core Confinement and Edge Gradients in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Chen, X., Burrell, K., Houshmandyar, S., Li, Z., Odstrcil, T., Osborne, T., Ernst, D., Diamond, P., Mckee, G., Yan, Z., Viezzer, E., Bortolon, A. & Nelson, A. O. RECENT PROGRESS OF THE REACTOR-RELEVANT INTRINSICALLY ELM- STABLE QUIESCENT H-MODE ON THE DIII-D TOKAMAK in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Cote, T. B., Yu, G., Khabanov, F. O., Stewart, S., Nelson, A. O. & Schmitz, L. Observation of a bursty high-frequency edge instability in DIII-D strongly shaped divertered negative triangularity plasmas in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Ernst, D., Bortolon, A., Chen, X., King, J., Nelson, A. O., Battaglia, D. & Hubbard, A. E. Results of the 2022 U.S. Joint Research Target on Intrinsically Non-ELMing Enhanced Confinement Regimes in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Ernst, D. R., Bortolon, A., Chen, X., King, J. & Nelson, A. O. Recent Experiments and Simulations to Develop Intrinsically Non-ELMing Enhanced Confinement Regimes in 49th European Conference on Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Guizzo, S., Nelson, A. O., Hansen, C. & Paz-Soldan, C. Modeling the vertical stability of negative triangularity reactors in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Hu, Q., Hahm, T. S., Kim, S. K., Park, J.-K., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Park, S., Na, Y.-S. & Choi, G. ExB shearing rate in negative triangularity tokamak plasmas in 10th Asia Pacific-Transport Working Group (2023).
  • Hubbard, A., Angulo, A., Austin, M. E., Cavallaro, A. J., Chen, J., Chrystal, C., Happel, T., Haskey, S., Hong, R., Hughes, J. W., McKee, G. R., Nelson, A. O., Osborne, T., Rosenthal, A., Rhodes, T. L., Wilks, T., Yan, Z., Yu, G., Zamperini, S. & Zhu, Y. Stationary I-modes in multiple configurations in the DIII-D tokamak in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Kim, S. K., Yang, S. M., Park, J. K., Kolemen, E., Hu, Q., Logan, N., Nelson, A. O., Choi, G. J., Lee, Y. H., Lee, H., Jeon, Y. M., Kim, J. H., Lee, C. Y. & Shousha, R. INVESTIGATION OF RMP-INDUCED ION-SCALE TURBULENCE IN THE PEDESTAL AND ITS ROLE IN ACCESSING THE OPTIMIZED HIGH- CONFINEMENT ELM-FREE STATE in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Kim, S. K., Shousha, R., Yang, Y. M., Hu, Q., Nelson, A. O., Logan, N. C., Nazikian, R., Park, J. K., Wilcox, R., Rhodes, T., Hong, R., Paz-Soldan, C., Erickson, K., Battey, A., Hahn, S. H., Jeon, Y. M., Bortolon, A., Snipes, J. & Koleman, E. Adaptive ELM Control and its Development in KSTAR and DIII-D in 2nd International Fusion and Plasma Conference (2023).
  • Kim, S., Shousha, R., Hu, Q., Nelson, A. O., Nazikian, R., Yang, S. M., Logan, N. C., Park, J.-K., Wilcox, R., Rhodes, T., Hong, R., Paz-Soldan, C., Battey, A., Erickson, K., Bortolon, A. & Koleman, E. Adaptive ELM Control in DIII-D towards complete ELM suppression from H-mode transition with high-confinement in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Knolker, M., Osborne, T., Snyder, P. B., Wilks, T. M., Hu, Q., McClenaghan, J., Cote, T. B., Paz-Soldan, C., Nelson, A. O. & Wilcox, R. S. Advances in RMP ELM suppression towards high pedestal pressures harnessing the Super H-mode regime in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Kramer, G. J., Nelson, A. O. & Thome, K. E. Full-orbit simulation of charge separation for negative triangularity plasma shapes in DIII-D in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Labbate, J. A., Berkery, J., Parisi, J., Podesta, M., Dominguez-Palacios, J. J., Cruz-Zabala, D. J., Reyner Vinolas, A., Garcia-Munoz, M., Viezzer, E. & Nelson, A. O. Analyzing mode stability to identify stable operating regions for the novel SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART) in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Mordijck, S., Austin, M. E., Thome, K. E., Barr, J., Chaban, R., Paz-Soldan, C. & Nelson, A. O. Density peaking and particle transport in negative triangularity discharges on DIII-D in 2023 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2023).
  • Mordijck, S., Austin, M. E., Thome, K. E., Barr, J., Chaban, R., Paz-Soldan, C. & Nelson, A. O. Density peaking and particle transport in negative triangularity discharges on DIII-D in 49th European Conference on Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Mordijck, S., Odstrcil, T., Austin, M. E., Thome, K. E., Barr, J., Chaban, R., Paz-Soldan, C. & Nelson, A. O. Density Peaking and Particle Transport in Negative Triangularity Discharges on DIII-D in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Nelson, A. O., Arnold, D., Boyes, W., Chandra, R., Choudhury, H., Dasilva, N., Hansen, C., Lunia, P., Paz-Soldan, C., Pharr, M., Tobin, M., Wilson, H. S., Ball, J., Bielajew, R., Benjamin, S., Calvo-Carrera, M., Chang, C., Corsaro, L., Cummings, C., Devitre, A., Diab, R., Ferry, S., Frank, S., Jerkins, J., Johnson, J., Liu, M., Mackie, S., Mandell, N., Maris, A., Miller, M. A., Mouratidis, T., Murphy, D., Peterson, E., Rutherford, G., Saltzman, A., Segantin, S. & Whyte, D. EXPLORING THE NEGATIVE-TRIANGULARITY PATHWAY TO FUSION WITH MANTA in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Wilson, H. S., Schmitz, L., Cote, T. B., Thome, K. E., Hyatt, A., Osborne, T., Sciortino, F., Happel, T., P ̈utterich, T., Hobirk, J., Yu, G., Mckee, G., Stewart, S., Kramer, G. J., Sauter, O., Austin, M. E. & Marinoni, A. ROBUST L-MODE EDGE BEHAVIOR IN HIGH PERFORMANCE NEGATIVE TRIANGULARITY PLASMAS: FROM EXPERIMENTS TO REACTORS in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Nelson, A. O., Guizzo, S., Hyatt, A. W., Wehner, W., Welander, A. S., Paz-Soldan, C., Osborne, T., Anand, H. & Thome, K. E. On the vertical stability of DIII-D discharges with strong negative triangularity in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Newman, D., James, R. W., Dominguez, A., Murphy, N., Merritt, E. C., Nelson, A. O., Crane, J. & Adams, M. Becomings: Modified Green-Amber-Red protocol with the David Newman Model (GARDN - M) for DPP Site Selection in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Parisi, J., Guttenfelder, W., Nelson, A. O., Gaur, R., Lampert, M., Kleiner, A., Avdeeva, G., Berkery, J., Clauser, C., Curie, M., Diallo, A., Dorland, W. D., Kaye, S. M., McClenaghan, J. & Parra, F. Kinetic ballooning mode constraints for tokamak pedestals with varying aspect ratio and plasma shaping in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Parisi, J. F., Guttenfelder, W., Nelson, A. O., Clauser, C., Curie, M., Diallo, A., Gaur, R., Kleiner, A., Lampert, M. & Mcclenaghan, J. A GYROKINETICS-BASED MODEL FOR PREDICTING PEDESTAL WIDTH SCALING AT ARBITRARY ASPECT RATIO in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Paz-Soldan, C., Battey, A. F., Hansen, C., Leuthold, N., Logan, N. C., Nelson, A. O., Stewart, I. G., Battaglia, D. J., Creely, A. J., Myers, C. E., Reinke, M. L., Garnier, D. T., Granetz, R. S., Sweeney, R. & Tinguely, R. A. EQUILIBRIUM, STABILITY, AND DISRUPTION CALCULATIONS SUPPORTING THE DESIGN AND ASSEMBLY OF THE SPARC TOKAMAK in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Paz-Soldan, C., Austin, M. E., Barr, J., Boyes, W., Casali, L., Chrystal, C., Cote, T., Ding, S., Du, X., Eldon, D., Ernst, D., Hong, R., Hyatt, A., Khabanov, F. O., Lunia, P., Marinoni, A., Mattes, R., McKee, G., Mordijck, S., Nelson, A. O., Osborne, T., Sauter, O., Shiraki, D., Schmitz, L., Scotti, F., Stewart, S., Thome, K. E., Welsh, A., Wilks, T. & Wilson, H. Highlights from the DIII-D Negative Triangularity Campaign in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Pisinger, M., Li, Z., Chen, X., Osborne, T. H. & Nelson, A. O. Database and stability analysis for DIII-D QH-mode plasmas in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Rondini, L., Freiberger, S., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C. & Zhang, X. Verifying Improved Particle Trapping in Negative Triangularity Plasmas in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Rondini, L., Freiberger, S., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C. & Zhang, X. Verifying improved particle trapping in negative triangularity plasmas in 2023 Theory and Simulation of Disruptions Workshop (2023).
  • Schmitz, L., Nelson, A. O., Hyatt, A. W., Zeng, L., Thome, K. E., Hong, R., Cote, T. B., Paz-Soldan, C., Stewart, S., Yan, Z., Khabanov, F., Osborne, T. H., Austin, M. E. & Marinoni, A. Edge Flows, Limit Cycle Oscillations, and Transport Barrier Evolution in DIII-D Negative Triangularity Plasmas in 2023 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2023).
  • Schmitz, L., Zeng, L., Callahan, K., Hong, R., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C. & Cote, T. Edge Transport Barrier Evolution and H-mode inhibition in Negative Triangularity Plasmas in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Scotti, F., McLean, A. G., Marinoni, A., Lasnier, C. J., Eldon, D., Paz-Soldan, C., Nelson, A. O., Thome, K. E., Truong, D., Wang, H., Burke, M. G., Wilcox, R., Li, N., Lore, J., Zhao, M., Hyatt, A., Osborne, T., Leonard, A. & Fenstermacher, M. Detachment and scrape-off layer radial transport characterization in Negative Triangularity discharges in DIII-D in 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Scotti, F., McLean, A. G., Marinoni, A., Lasnier, C. J., Eldon, D., Paz-Soldan, C., Nelson, A. O., Thome, K. E., Truong, D., Wang, H., Burke, M. G., Wilcox, R., Li, N., Lore, J., Zhao, M., Hyatt, A., Osborne, T., Leonard, A. & Fenstermacher, M. Detachment and scrape-off layer radial transport characterization in Negative Triangularity discharges in DIII-D in 2023 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2023).
  • Shousha, R., Battey, A., Rothstein, A., Paz-Soldan, C., Koleman, E., Shin, G., Park, G. Y., Abbate, J., Erickson, K., Kim, M., Logan, N., Nelson, A. O., Hu, Q., Wilcox, R., Hahn, S. H., Yang, S. M., Ko, W. H. & Jeon, Y. M. CLOSED LOOP RMP ELM SUPPRESSION WITH MINIMIZED CONFINEMENT DEGRADATION USING ADAPTIVE CONTROL DEMONSTRATED IN DIII-D AND KSTAR in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Smith, S. P., Bechtel, T. A., Denk, S., DeShazer, E., Nelson, A. O., Stephey, L., Xing, Z. A., Antepara, O., Dart, E., Nazikian, R. & Williams, S. Leveraging increased computing power at NERSC for DIII-D CAKE analysis in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Smith, S., Bechtel, T. A., Denk, S., DeShazer, E., Nelson, A. O., Stephey, L., Xing, Z., Antepara, O., Dart, E., Nazikian, R. & Williams, S. Connecting DIII-D and NERSC to support DIII-D Operations through Kinetic Equilibrium Analysis in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Stewart, S., Chrystal, C., Geiger, B., Khabanov, F., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Qin, X., Schmitz, L., Thome, K. E., Yan, Z. & McKee, G. Investigation of Turbulence Properties in Negative Triangularity Plasmas on DIII-D using Beam Emission Spectroscopy in _27th joint EU-US Transport Task Force (2023).
  • Stewart, S., Chrystal, C., Geiger, B., Khabanov, F., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Qin, X., Schmitz, L., Thome, K. E., Yan, Z. & McKee, G. Investigation of Turbulence Properties in Negative Triangularity Plasmas on DIII-D using Beam Emission Spectroscopy in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Stewart, S., McKee, G., Khabanov, F., Qin, X., Yan, Z., Geiger, B., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C. A. & Chrystal, C. Investigation of Turbulence Properties in Negative Triangularity Plasmas on DIII-D using Beam Emission Spectroscopy in 2023 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2023).
  • Teplukhina, A. A., Battaglia, D. J., Body, T., Boyer, M., Creely, A. J., Hasse, C., Kaloyannis, P. S., Logan, J., Looby, T., Wai, J., Contre, C., Felici, F., Merle, A., Sauter, O., Garnier, D. T., Howard, N. T., Rodriguez Fernandez, P., Wang, A., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C. & Stewart, I. G.Full-pulse simulations for SPARC using MOSAIC in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Thome, K. E., Austin, M. E., Hyatt, A., Marinoni, A., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Scotti, F., Barr, J. L., Burke, M. G., Casali, L., Chrystal, C., Coda, S., Cote, T. B., Ding, S., Du, X. D., Eldon, D., Ernst, D., Fenstermacher, E., Garofalo, A., Hong, R., Khabanov, F. O., Kramer, G. J., Lasnier, C. J., Logan, N. C., Lunia, P., McKee, G. R., McLean, A. G., Mordijck, S., Okabayashi, M., Sauter, O., Schmitz, L., Shiraki, D., Stewart, S., Truong, D. D., Osborne, T., Victor, B. S., Wang, H. Q., Wehner, W. P., Welander, A. S., Wilks, T. M., Yang, J., Yu, G. & Zeng, L. Assessment of Negative Triangularity as a Reactor Scenario in DIII-D in 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2023).
  • Thome, K. E., Austin, M. E., Casali, L., Chrystal, C., Cote, T. B., Du, X. D., Eldon, D., Ernst, D., Hong, R., Khabanov, F. O., Lunia, P., Marinoni, A., McKee, G. R., Mordijck, S., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Sauter, O., Schmitz, L., Scotti, F., Stewart, S. & Zhao, M. Initial Transport Results from the DIII-D Negative Triangularity Campaign in 2023 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2023).
  • Thome, K. E., Austin, M. E., Hyatt, A., Marinoni, A., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Scotti, F., Barr, J. L., Boyes, W., Casali, L., Chrystal, C., Cote, T. B., Ding, S., Du, X. D., Eldon, D., Ernst, D., Garafalo, A., Hong, R., Khabanov, F. O., Kramer, G. J., Lasnier, C. J., Lunia, P., McKee, G., McLean, A. G., Mordijck, S., Okabayashi, M., Sauter, O., Schmitz, L., Shiraki, D., Stewart, S., Takemura, Y., Truong, D. D., Osborne, T., Wang, H. Q., Wilks, T. M. & Zhao, M. Overview of Results from the DIII-D Negative Triangularity Campaign in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Thome, K. E., Austin, M. E., Hyatt, A., Marinoni, A., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Scotti, F., Barr, J. L., Boyes, W., Casali, L., Chrystal, C., Cote, T. B., Ding, S., Du, X. D., Eldon, D., Ernst, D., Garafalo, A., Hong, R., Khabanov, F. O., Kramer, G. J., Lasnier, C. J., Lunia, P., McKee, G., McLean, A. G., Mordijck, S., Okabayashi, M., Sauter, O., Schmitz, L., Shiraki, D., Stewart, S., Takemura, Y., Truong, D. D., Osborne, T., Wang, H. Q., Wilks, T. M. & Zhao, M. Overview of the DIII-D Negative Triangularity Campaign in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Welsh, A., Casali, L., Eldon, D., Odstrcil, T., Nelson, A. O., Mattes, R., Cote, T., Paz-Soldan, C. & Thome, K. E. Characterization of the operational space at high radiation high power negative triangularity plasmas at DIII-D in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Wilson, H. S., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., McClenaghan, J., Odstricil, T., Casali, L., Eldon, D., Welsh, A. & Mattes, R. Integrated modeling of highly radiative plasmas with negative triangularity shaping in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Wilson, H. S., ei al. Integrated design of a pulsed, modular, negative triangularity pilot plant concept in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Xia, J., Battey, A., Choudhury, H., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Barr, J., Eidietis, N., Hollmann, E., Lvovskiy, A. & Shiraki, D. Analysis of Final Loss Events in DIII-D due to Vertically Unstable Benign Runaway Electron Beams in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).
  • Xing, Z. A., Smith, S. P., Bechtel, T. A., Denk, S., DeShazer, E., Nelson, A. O., Stephey, L., Antepara, O., Dart, E., Nazikian, R. & Williams, S. Leveraging NERSC computing to support DIII-D operations through profile analysis and kinetic equilibrium reconstruction in 4th Fusion HPC Workshop November (2023).
  • Yang, J., Sips, A. C. C., Walker, M., De Vries, P., Sinha, J., Kim, H. T., Ono, M., Glass, F., Austin, M., Van Zeeland, M., Herfindal, J., Shafer, M., Nelson, A. O., Marini, C., Hyatt, A., Turco, F. & Pinsker, R. Dependence of EC toroidal injection angle on effective EC assisted startup in 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2023).


  • Battaglia, D. J., Wai, J. T., Brookman, M., Creely, A., Looby, T., Myers, C., Battey, A., Hansen, C., Nelson, A. O., Stewart, I., Garnier, D., Garnetz, R. & Rodriguez Fernandez, P. Scenario modeling for SPARC in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Burgess, D. A., Nelson, A. O. & Paz-Soldan, C. Influence of Plasma and Machine Parameters on Time to First ELM in DIII-D in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Curie, M., Larakers, J. L., Hatch, D. R., Nelson, A. O., Diallo, A., Hassan, E., Guttenfelder, W., Halfmoon, M., Kotschenreuther, M., Hazeltine, R. D., Mahajan, S. M., Groebner, R. J., Chen, J., Perez von Thun, C., Frassinetti, L., Saarelma, S., Giroud, C. & Tennery, M. A survey of pedestal magnetic fluctuations using gyrokinetics and a global reduced model for microtearing stability in 2022 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2022).
  • Garnier, D., Nelson, A. O. & Battaglia, D. Vertical stability and its implications for the SPARC tokamak in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Halfmoon, M., Hatch, D. R., Kotschenreuther, M., Mahajan, S. M., Nelson, A. O., Kolemen, E., Laggner, F. M., Diallo, A., Hassan, E., Curie, M. & Groebner, R. J. Analysis of gyrokinetic microinstabilities driving anomalous losses in DIII-D pedestal region in 2022 Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (2022).
  • Nelson, A. O., Hyatt, A., Wehner, W., Barr, J. & Paz-Soldan, C. Establishing vertical control of diverted Neg-D discharges in DIII-D in 26th Workshop on MHD Stability and Control (2022).
  • Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C. & Saarelma, S. H-mode inhibition: Using shape to destabilize infinite-n ballooning modes in reactor conditions in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C. & Saarelma, S. Suppressing the LH transition via shape-based ballooning mode destabilization in 2022 H-mode Workshop (2022).
  • Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Wilson, H. & Saarelma, S. Preventing H-mode with Negative Triangularity to Improve Exhaust Handling at High Core Plasma Performance in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Perks, C. J., Frank, S., Cavallaro, A. J., Nelson, A. O., Qian, T., Rutkowski, A., Rodriguez- Fernandez, P., Reiman, A., Freidberg, J. P. & Whyte, D. G. A pulsed, radiative L-mode scenario for application in an ARC-class device in 2022 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2022).
  • Schmitz, L., Callahan, K., Zeng, L., Rhodes, T. L., Austin, M. E., Yan, Z., McKee, G. R., Thome, K. E., Marinoni, A., Nelson, A. O. & Paz-Soldan, C. H-mode Access and Limit Cycle Oscillations in DIII-D Negative Triangularity Plasmas in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Shousha, R., Ferron, J. R., Xing, Z. A., Nelson, A. O., Erickson, K. G. & Kolemen, E. Improved Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D and NSTX-U in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Song, J., Paz-Soldan, C., Nelson, A. O. & Lee, J. Investigation of negative triangularity plasma in terms of the n=0 resistive wall mode in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Sweeny, R. & et. al. SPARC MHD Stability and the Error Field Strategy in 26th Workshop on MHD Stability and Control (2022).
  • Wai, J. T., Battaglia, D. J., Garnier, D., Looby, T., Nelson, A. O. & Kolemen, E. Startup scenario development for SPARC in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).
  • Wilson, H., Nelson, A. O. & Paz-Soldan, C. Modeling high radiation fraction L-mode plasmas in multiple configurations in 2022 H-Mode Workshop (2022).
  • Wilson, H., Nelson, A. O. & Paz-Soldan, C. Modeling high radiation fraction L-mode plasmas in multiple configurations in 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2022).


  • Halfmoon, M., Hatch, D., Kotschenreuther, M., Mahajan, S., Nelson, A. O., Kolemen, E., Lag- gner, F. M., Diallo, A., Hassan, E., Curie, M. & Groebner, R. J. Analysis of gyrokinetic microin- stabilities driving anomalous losses in DIII-D pedestal region. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Halfmoon, M., Hatch, D., Kotschenreuther, M., Mahajan, S., Nelson, A. O., Kolemen, E., Lag- gner, F. M., Diallo, A., Hassan, E., Curie, M. & Groebner, R. J. Analysis of gyrokinetic microin- stabilities driving anomalous losses in the DIII-D pedestal region in 2021 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2021).
  • Hassan, E., Hatch, D. R., Merlo, G., Nelson, A. O., Groebner, R. J., Mahajan, S. M., Curie, M., Halfmoon, M. R., Kotschenreuther, M. T. & Diallo, A. Anomalous Heat Transport of Microtearing Modes in DIII-D H-mode Pedestals in 2021 Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (2021).
  • Jalalvand, A., Kaptanoglu, A., Garcia, A. V., Nelson, A. O., Abbate, J. A., Austin, M. E., Verdoolaege, G., Brunton, S. L., Heidbrink, W. W. & Kolemen, E. Data-driven models for Alfvén eigenmode classification based on high resolution ECE diagnostics at DIII-D. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Kaptanoglu, A., Jalalvand, A., Garcia, A. V., Nelson, A. O., Abbate, J., Verdoolaege, G., Brunton, S. L., Heidbrink, W. W. & Kolemen, E. Spatially-localized Alfvén eigenmode classification using convolutional neural networks. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Kim, S. K., Shousha, R., Hahn, S. H., Nelson, A. O., Wai, J., Yang, S. M., Park, J.-K., Jeon, Y. M., In, Y., Lee, J. H., Kim, J., Na, Y.-S. & Kolemen, E. Optimization of H-mode pedestal by adaptive ELM control using 3D fields. 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Kim, S., Shousha, R., Hahn, S. H., Nelson, A. O., Wai, J., Yang, S. M., Park, J. K., Jeon, Y. M., In, Y., Na, Y.-S., Lee, J. H., Kim, J. & Kolemen, K. Optimizing Tokamak Pedestal Confinement via Adaptive ELM Control Using 3D Fields in Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting (2021).
  • Kim, S., Shousha, R., Hahn, S., Nelson, A. O., Wai, J. T., Yang, S., Park, J.-K., Nazikian, R. M., Hu, Q., Jeon, Y., In, Y., Lee, J., Kim, J., Na, Y.-S. & Kolemen, E. Optimizing edge confinement and stability via adaptive ELM control using RMPs. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Laggner, F. M., Rosenthal, A. M., Odstricil, T., Bortolon, A., Wilks, T. M., Hughes, J. W., Haskey, S. R., Effenberg, F., Abbate, J., Nelson, A. O., Xing, Z. A., Shafer, M. W. & Groth, M. Poloidal Asymmetries Of The Main Chamber Particle Source In DIII-D in 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Nelson, A. O. Current based experimental determination of inter-ELM pedestal MTMs in 25th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting 25th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting (2021).
  • Nelson, A. O., Laggner, F. M., Diallo, A., Smith, D. R., Xing, Z. A., Shousha, R. & Kolemen, E. Direct Identification of Microtearing Modes in the H-mode Pedestal via Current Profile Perturba- tions. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C., Song, J., Lee, J., Barr, J., Eldon, D. & Welander, A. S. Stability of the n=0 resitive wall mode in a negative triangularity DIII-D in 25th Workshop on MHD Stability Control (2021).
  • Nelson, A. O., Xing, Z. A., Izacard, O., Laggner, F. M. & Kolemen, E. Interpretative SOL modeling and ELM-synchronization for full shots in DIII-D in 24th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (2021).
  • O’Sullivan, S., Nelson, A. O., Bortolon, A. & Kolemen, E. Correlations between NBI blips and ELM triggers in tokamaks. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Panici, D., Nelson, A. O. & Kolemen, E. Investigating ELM Pacing by Vertical Oscillations on DIII-D. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Perks, C. J., Frank, S., Nelson, A. O., Cavallaro, A., Rutkowski, A., Qian, T., Whyte, D. G., Rodriguez-Fernandez, P. & Reiman, A. A pulsed, radiative L-mode scenario for application in an ARC-class deviceA pulsed, radiative L-mode scenario for application in an ARC-class device. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Shousha, R., Ferron, J. R., Xing, Z. A., Nelson, A. O., Erickson, K. G. & Kolemen, E. Improved Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Shousha, R., Kim, S., Erickson, K., Hahn, S., Nelson, A. O., Wai, J. T., Yang, S., Park, J.-K. & Kolemen, E. Feedback Adaptive ELM Control towards (ITER) long pulse ELM suppression and its application to KSTAR. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Wilson, H., Nelson, A. O., Paz-Soldan, C. & Whyte, D. G. Optimizing fusion power balance using HTS magnets, negative triangularity, and high-Z impurities. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Xing, Z. A., Nelson, A. O., Izacard, O., Jarvinen, A., Umansky, M., Humphreys, D. A. & Kole- men, E. Automated interpretive UEDGE simulations for DIII-D. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Xing, Z. A., Nelson, A. O., Izacard, O., Jarvinen, A. E., Umansku, M. V., Humphreys, D. A. & Kolemen, E. Sensitivity analysis of cross-field transport coeffcients with autoUEDGE. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2021).
  • Xing, Z., Izacard, O., Austin, M., Marinoni, A., Nelson, A. O., Meneghini, O., Eldon, D., Uman- sky, M. & Kolemen, E. Automatic interpretive UEDGE analysis for DIII-D in 24th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devicesonal Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (2021).


  • Halfmoon, M. R., Hatch, D. R., Kotschenreuther, M. T., Mahajan, S. M., Hassan, E., Nelson, A. O., Kolemen, E., Laggner, F. M., Diallo, A. & Groebner, R. J. Gyrokinetic Analysis of Inter- ELM Transport Mechanisms in DIII-D Pedestals in 2020 US Transport Task Force Workshop (2020).
  • Halfmoon, M., Hatch, D., Kotschenreuther, M., Mahajan, S., Nelson, A. O., Kolemen, E., Lag- gner, F., Diallo, A., Hassan, E., Curie, M. & Groebner, R. Microtearing instabilities driving anoma- lous heat loss in the pedestal region of DIII-D discharges in 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2020).
  • Kolemen, E., Shousha, R., Nelson, A. O., Logan, N. & Park, J. Adaptive ELM Control and Real-Time Feedback MHD Spectroscopy at KSTAR in 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2020).
  • Nelson, A. O., Laggner, F. M., Diallo, A., Yan, Z. & Kolemen, E. Experimental characterization of turbulent modes in the DIII-D H-mode pedestal in 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2020).
  • Shousha, R., Ferron, J., Xing, Z. A., Nelson, A. O., Erickson, K. & Kolemen, E. Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D in 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2020).
  • Shousha, R., Kim, S. K., Laggner, F. M., Eldon, D., Nelson, A. O., Hahn, S. H., Park, J. K., Yang, S. M., Paz-Soldan, C., Evans, T. E., Fenstermacher, M. E., Grierson, B. A., Hu, Q., Humphreys, D. A., Hyatt, A. W., Nazikian, R., Meneghini, O., Snyder, P. B., Unterberg, E. A., Erickson, K. G. & Kolemen, E. Integrated ELM Control in 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (2020).
  • Strait, E. J., Munaretto, S., Sweeney, R. M., Logan, N. C. & Nelson, A. O. Electromagnetic Torque Measurements in DIII-D through Internal/External Magnetic Field Decomposition in 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2020).
  • Wai, J. T., Vail, P. J., Nelson, A. O., Xing, Z. A., Lasnier, C., Gray, T. K. & Kolemen, E. Infrared Constrained Equilibrium Reconstruction and Application to Snowflake Divertor Studies in 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2020).
  • Xing, Z., Nelson, A. O., Izacard, O., Austin, M. E., Marinoni, A., Jarvinen, A., Umansky, M. & Kolemen, E. Automating Interpretive Edge Transport Modeling on DIII-D with UEDGE in 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2020).

2010 - 2019

  • Hatch, D., Kotschenreuther, M., Mahajan, S., Halfmoon, M., Hassan, E., Merlo, G., Michoski, C., Canik, J., Joseph, I., Umansky, M., Guttenfelder, W., Diallo, A., Groebner, R., Nelson, A. O., Laggner, F., Hughes, J. & Mordijck, S. Understanding pedestal transport via combined gyrokinetic and edge modeling in 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2019).
  • Laggner, F. M., Eldon, D., Nelson, A. O., Humphreys, D., Hyatt, A. W., Snyder, P. B., Knolker, M. & Kolemen, E. Improved density feedback control range and response time on DIII-D using 3D fields in 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2019).
  • Nelson, A. O., Laggner, F. M., Diallo, A. & Kolemen, E. Characterization of pedestal modes through fast vertical oscillations at DIII-D in 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2019).
  • Nelson, A. O., Laggner, F. M., Izacard, O., Sontag, A. C., Groebner, R., Eldon, D., Grierson, B., Shafer, M. W., Leonard, A., Shiraki, D., Kolemen, E. & Team, D.-D. On the role of particle source location in setting the H-mode pedestal structure in 17th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers (2019).
  • Buzi, L., Yang, Y., Nelson, A. O., Kaita, R. & Koel, B. E. Sputtering characteristics of Li-C-O compounds and deuterium intake in 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (2018).
  • Laggner, F., Kolemen, E., Diallo, A., Groebner, R., Barada, K., Nelson, A. O., Osborne, T. & DIII-D Team, T. Vertical plasma oscillations as a tool to perturb the pedestal in the DIII-D tokamak in 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2018).
  • Nelson, A. O., Buzi, L., Yang, Y., Kaita, R. & Koel, B. E. Sputtering and retention of D2 in thin Li and LiD films in 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (2018).
  • Nelson, A. O., Kolemen, E., Laggner, F., Izacard, O., Groebner, R., Eldon, D., Shafer, M., Leonard, A., Shiraki, D. & Sontag, A. Pedestal fueling variation in a closed divertor configuration at DIII-D in 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2018).
  • Sontag, A., Shafer, M., Shiraki, D., Laggner, F. & Nelson, A. O. SOLPS modeling of neutral fueling effects on pedestal structure in DIII-D in 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2018).
  • Yang, Y., Buzi, L., Nelson, A. O., Kaita, R. & Koel, B. E. Long-Term Deuterium Retention in Lithium and Lithium Compounds in 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (2018).
  • Buzi, L., Nelson, A. O., Yang, Y., Kaita, R. & Koel, B. E. Hydrogen retention in Li and Li-C-O films in 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2017).
  • Nelson, A. O., Buzi, L., Kaita, R. & Koel, B. Deuterium sputtering of Li and Li-O films in 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2017).