I’m acutely aware that my gender, race, sexual orientation, physical well-being and economic status afford me a position of privilege. I also strongly believe that it is my fundamental duty to utilize this privilege (1) to increase access and representation in science through active engagement in recruitment efforts and (2) to transform our communities into more welcoming, inclusive and supportive spaces in order to foster the growth and retention of underrepresented individuals. Work regarding diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in science has often been pioneered by underrepresented populations, placing even greater strain on professors and scientists from marginalized groups. Because of this, I believe that it is my duty as an ally with privilege to pull my full weight in the effort of establishing safe and welcoming communities for all.

If you would like to chat more about DEI issues in plasma science and engineering, please reach out to me directly via email. Only through the full engagement of the entire community can we achieve the systemic cultural change needed establish welcoming places for everyone.

In addition to DEI work, I strongly believe that the only way to realize fusion energy is to engage with a broad population through education and outreach. As such, a large portion of my time is dedicated to spreading information and opportunities in plasma science and engineering to students at all levels. By working together, we can develop the expert workforce needed to make fusion energy a reality.

You can find more information about specific endavours I am involved with in this space below:

  • Fusion Trading Cards

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    In support of Fusion Energy Week 2024, I led a team to put together a set of fusion energy trading cards for distribution across the US. These cards detail a set of basic concepts underlying fusion energy systems and selected fusion research machines from around the world. Provided in true... [Read More]
  • Fusion Energy Week

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    We currently sit in a unique moment in time where groundbreaking advancements in fusion science and technology are catching the attention of public and private communities across the globe. The realization of fusion energy, which has the potential to completely transform the global energy market, has never been closer. But... [Read More]
  • Assessing and Mitigating Conference Locations

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    Plasma physics is a diverse field, and it is essential that all members of our community feel welcome in common spaces. Unfortunately, there are many aspects of modern life that still serve to repress or destabilize specific parts of our community. [Read More]
  • US Fusion Energy Outreach Team

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    We currently sit in a unique moment in time where groundbreaking advancements in fusion science and technology are catching the attention of public and private stakeholders across the globe. The realization of fusion energy, which has the potential to completely transform the global energy market, has never been closer. But... [Read More]
  • Connecting Early Career Scientists in Plasma Physics

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    I currently serve as chair for the APS Division of Plasma Physics Committee for the Concerns Of studeNts aNd Early Career scienTists (CONNECT), which advocates for and provides resources to students and early career scientists in the fields of plasma science and engineering. We partner closely with other DEI-focused national... [Read More]
  • Plasma Outreach and Seminars

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    One of the most fulfilling aspects of my job as a research scientist is sharing my love of plasma physics with young members of our communities. I regularly host and participate in outreach events across the country, ranging from personalized seminars for undergraduate audiences to exploratory demos for elementary and... [Read More]
  • Curriculum Reform in Plasma Physics

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    Since plasma physics is a relatively under-resourced field, it is especially vital that we work with students to deliver information at a level that maximizes their understanding and growth. As a graduate student at Princeton, I led an effort to transform a seminar-style plasma physics course to better serve the... [Read More]